White Oak Painting offers discerning clients in Burlington, Iowa, a range of decorative painting services, including exterior painting and interior painting, plus add-ons to tailor your project to your needs.. Our meticulous Signature Touch work is unrivaled.
As a well-reviewed painting company in Burlington, White Oak Painting offers homeowners exceptional painting services and color consulting. Our commitment to excellence is evident in every project we undertake, regardless of size. With meticulous planning and attention to detail, we ensure minimal disruption to your daily life throughout your project. Our goal is to make the entire experience enriching. We take pride in delivering a well-done job.
We have all experienced driving down the street and seeing a small child selling lemonade behind their parent's 1980s card table. That kid was me, Isaac Mumma. I didn't stop with lemonade. I sold snow cones made with a Costco snow cone machine my aunt gave me for my birthday. I delivered homemade cookies door to door. I loved taking the time to tie intricate bows around cookies or going the extra mile in other ways—like cutting firewood for my neighbor and neatly stacking it.
I provided great service in the only way I knew. The goal was never to make money but to deliver the best service possible for people who placed their trust in me. Fast forward a couple of decades, and I am still motivated by the same goal.
I understand homeowners' desire to enjoy where they call home and to have a relationship with service providers who can maintain, repair, and renovate things as necessary. I also understand the frustration of dealing with unreliable contractors. Homeowners trust a contractor to enter their space and treat it well. Empowered with that trust, I value homeowners with excellence and the highest level of customer service.
I began painting for Precision Coatings in Burlington, Iowa, in 2015. I am grateful for my experience with Josh Horn. I learned proper technique and attention to detail. With the heart of an entrepreneur, I set out on my own in 2018. I specialize in residential painting, and provide excellent service because a home is a family's most treasured asset—their safe place. It’s the place their children learn to walk and where they share treasured moments for years to come.
I have been married to my beautiful wife, Alexandria, for nine years. We have two children, 6 and 8. As a reputable painting contractor, I provide our Burlington, Iowa community with reliable and trusted service—a partner to "Bring New Life to Your Home."
White Oak Painting was founded by Isaac Mumma in 2018 to serve Burlington, Iowa homeowners with excellent and dependable painting service.
Not only will we call you back promptly, but we'll never track mud into your home. We take pride in our integrity and attention to detail. White Oak Painting offers interior and exterior residential painting services to homeowners who value quality. We are dedicated to meeting our client's expectations, and to making the entire experience enjoyable—from the initial call to job completion. We strive to make every project minimally invasive.
White Oak Painting is an insured company proudly serving the community of Burlington, Iowa.